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Margy and David Pezdirtz

No Hidden Agenda

Margy and David Pezdirtz have had a heart for the Jewish people and Israel from before they can remember. And since becoming Christians and their first trip to Israel in 1984, they are stalwart supporters whose actions speak louder than words – Margy and David own an apartment in Jerusalem and spend half the year there.

Margy is a board member of CFOIC, and the International Coordinator for Unity Coalition for Israel (UCI), an organization based in Kansas City, which distributes information and lobbies Congress for Israel.

Margy and David also head their own organization called “Comforters of Israel.” Through Comforters, Margy and David and their organization have helped purchase a security gate for Shavei Shomron, as well as helping meet the needs of several other communities. “Because we are ‘project-oriented,’ CFOIC is a wonderful partner.”

Since she and David spend six months of the year, in three-month intervals, in Jerusalem, they are constantly on the go when in the US. Margy travels throughout Oklahoma to teach “the Church” why it must stand with Israel. Her goal is to make a difference and maintains that making a difference begins with one person at a time. “If at least one pastor in each community will pick up the mantle and carry on with it, then we can affect that community for Israel. It would be wonderful to see each community not only come to love Israel but, to see a US Christian community adopt an Israeli community, out of pure love, with no hidden agendas. When that happens, I’ll be shouting hallelujah all over the place!”

Margy also helps spread the message of love for Israel as a prolific writer. While last in Israel, she wrote the first draft of her second Biblical novel – addressed to the church. In addition to fulfilling her creative aspirations, Margy hopes her novels will help the church reach out beyond the New Testament and embrace the Old Testament. “I believe that as Christians read and study the Hebrew Scriptures, we come to a different understanding that makes the bridges of healing between Judaism and Christianity stronger and more viable.”

May Margy and David be blessed with health and strength to continue their holy work on behalf of the Jewish people in Israel.